Jamama Developer Guide

Blaine Simpson

$Date: 2004/04/14 12:45:42 $

Table of Contents

Available formats for this document
1. Building
2. Methodology and Conventions
Coding Conventions
3. API Specs
4. CVS
Watch Mode
5. References
6. Technologies
7. Howto

List of Tables

1. Alternate formats of this document

List of Examples

4.1. CVS checkout of the Jamama development CVS module
4.2. Working with resources with watch mode on.
4.3. Preparing for committing.


If you notice any mistakes in this document, please email me at blaine.simpson@admc.com so that I can correct them. I've just converted this from Texinfo to Docbook, so there are most likely many mistakes in this revision. You can also email me if you have problems with the procedures explained herein, or if you have questions, comments, suggestions or complaints.

Available formats for this document

This document is available in several formats.

You may be reading this document right now at http://jamama.sourceforge.net/dev, or in a distribution somewhere else. I hereby call the document distribution from which you are reading this, your current distro.

http://jamama.sourceforge.net/dev hosts the latest versions of all available formats. If you want a different format of the same version of the document you are reading now, then you should try your current distro. If you want the latest version, you should try http://jamama.sourceforge.net/dev.

Sometimes, distributions other than http://jamama.sourceforge.net/dev do not host all available formats. So, if you can't access the format that you want in your current distro, you have no choice but to use the newest version at http://jamama.sourceforge.net/dev.

Table 1. Alternate formats of this document

formatyour distroat http://jamama.sourceforge.net/dev
Chunked HTML index.htmlhttp://jamama.sourceforge.net/dev/index.html
All-in-one HTML dev.htmlhttp://jamama.sourceforge.net/dev/dev.html
PDF dev.pdfhttp://jamama.sourceforge.net/dev/dev.pdf

Chapter 1. Building

If you don't know what Jamama is, see the Jamama Design Document.

  1. Obtain and install JDK 1.4.x.

  2. Obtain and install Sun's Web Service Developer Pack, JWSDP.

  3. Obtain and install Ant version 1.5.3 or greater and make sure that it is in your search path.

  4. Obtain the Ant contrib jar and put it into the lib subdirectory under your base Ant installation diretory. (If the contrib jar file does not have a version number in the file name, I recommend that you rename it with the version number). Ant Contrib can be downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=36177.

  5. Export the variable JAVA_HOME to the base directory of your JDK. Ant requires this, regardless of whether javac is in your search path.

  6. Obtain source code using CVS or by downloading the source zip at https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=98416 and unzipping it.

    If you use CVS, the distribution will expand into a directory under your current directory named jamama. If you use unzip, the distribution will expand into a directory under your current directory named jamama plus version number. (If you got the zip from somewhere other than the SourceForge Files page, then the version number may end with "+". If so, then the code does not correspond directly to a Jamama release but has some development module modifications on to of the version without the +). The root directory "jamama" or "jamama" and version numer is referred to as JAMAMA_HOME in the Jamama documentation (including this document).

  7. If you don't want to set up your own runtime logging system, then copy the sample files in JAMAMA_HOME/localres to the same filenames without the .sample suffixes.

  8. Copy the sample file in JAMAMA_HOME /config to the same filename without the .sample suffix.

  9. Look at the top of JAMAMA_HOME/build.xml. If the value of jwsdp.home is not set to the directory that you installed JWSDP to, then make a build.properties file in the same directory and set the value of jwsdp.home like this.

        jwsdp.home:  /path/to/where/you/installed/jwsdp
  10. Run ant -projecthelp in the JAMAMA_HOME directory. This shows you all the stuff that you can do using ant. You always run ant from the JAMAMA_HOME directory.

    N.b. that interactive mode of Jamama does not work when it is run through Ant. This is because Ant does something with stdin/stdout so that your input never makes it to the application. Because of this, you have to shut down Jamama by using a JMX interface (like the Html adaptor) or just Ctrl-C at the command-line.

  11. When you run Ant with the Jamama build file, if you ever get any error messages or warnings telling you that some variable is not set, then set it in a properties file in the same directory named build.properties. (If it's a one-time setting... or to override a setting in build.properties or build.xml, you can set properties on the Ant command line like

        ant -Dpropname=propvalue -Dothername=otherval target1...

    To add things to your classpath (like a log4j jar file), set the property 'local.runtimeclasspath' in your build.properties file. It takes a colon/subcolon delimited path. You don't need to add the stuff in JAMAMA_HOME/lib, but you do need to add JAMAMA_HOME/localres if you are using resources from that directory.

  12. See the Jamama User's Guide for instructions on how to run Jamama without Ant (which you will want to do if you want to use the interactive command-line as opposed to working with the HTML, XML file, or other interfaces).

  13. Also see the Jamama User's Guide for how to configure Jamama, including how to set up logging.

Chapter 2. Methodology and Conventions


XP, aka Extreme Programming.

Coding Conventions

Please use good descriptions when adding files or checking in files to CVS (i.e. cvs... add and cvs... commit).

Unit test.

Sun's Java Coding Conventions.

(You are encouraged to berate Blaine when he skips the braces around blocks of a single statement-- at least he does always indent).

Chapter 3. API Specs

I trust that you already have access to your JDK API.

Chapter 4. CVS

Table of Contents

Watch Mode

The Jamama source code repository has moved to Sourceforge. Watch mode is on, so you need to use the command cvs edit to publicize your intention to change source code.


See the Resources and Traditional Client sections of my CVS HOWTO.

Watch Mode

CVS watch mode is on for the following reasons.

  • You can't accidentally modify a file, since you must run cvs edit before you can modify.

  • You can find out who is currently editing files by running cvs editors

  • If you have a particular interest in any set of resources, you can receive notification whenever any of those items are edited, unedit, or committed.

Watching is not strict locking. Five people can be editing a file at the same time, and CVS will handle those merges in the same way it always does. The watch feature just makes files read-only until you run cvs edit and lets people see everybody who is editing resources.

To release an edit, just commit your change or run cvs unedit.

Before you run these commands, do yourself a favor and make a .cvsrc file containing

    cvs -z6 -q

This will use compression to speed up CVS transfers, and will turn off the Windows-like verbose messages that CVS is fond of. Users of third party CVS clients or wrappers will have to find out how to set these default for their client.

Unless you enjoy typing your password over and over, create a ssh key and upload it to the Sourceforge CVS server under your Account Options page at Sourceforge.

Typical CVS development procedure

Check out everything from the tip of the jamama-dev CVS module.

Example 4.1. CVS checkout of the Jamama development CVS module

    $ cvs -d :ext:cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/jamama co jamama-dev
    $ cd jamama-dev
Do your work

Edit files, unedit files, update, run ant commands to your heart's content. Here is a very small subset of some stuff you could do.

Example 4.2.  Working with resources with watch mode on.

    $ cd src/com/admc/jamama
    $ cvs edit AFile.java
    $ cvs update
    $ cd ../../../../docsrc/adoc
    $ cvs unedit docfile.texi
    $ cd ../..
    $ ant update
    $ ant
    $ ant doc
When you are finished, commit your changes.

Example 4.3.  Preparing for committing.

    $ cd /path/to/jamama-dev
    $ cvs update -d  # You will be notified of conflicts

Edit conflicting files (they are labelled with C in the update listing), and make sure the code still builds. Repeat until the cvs update command shows no C's. Continue once all conflicts are resolved...

Commit all of your additions
    $ cvs commit -m 'Your comment'

You can, of course, commit resources individually or by subdirectory branches. You will want to check in files individually if your changes warrent different log messages for different resources-- Use meaningful log messages!.

Chapter 5. References

Java Documentation

Relevant Articles

Internet RFCs

RFC 1869

ESMTP. (Trivial).

RFC 2821


RFC 821


RFC 2822

Internet Message Format

RFC 822

Old Internet Message format

RFC 1123

Also see app/support

RFC 1985


RFC 1870


RFC 1653


RFCX 1427


RFC 3030

Messages, SMTP Service Extensions for Transmission of Large and Binary MIME

RFC 1891

DSN (delivery status notifications)

RFC 1894

DSN (delivery status notifications)

RFC 2476

Message Submission

RFC 2298

maybe Message Submission

RFC 1047

duplicate msgs

RFC 2045

MIME (part 1)

RFC 2046

MIME (part 2)

RFC 2047

MIME (part 3)

RFC 2048

MIM (part 4)

RFC 1652

SMTP Service Extension for 8bit-MIMEtransport

RFC 1426

SMTP Service Extension for 8bit-MIMEtransport

RFC 1830

CHUNKING. Large and Binary MIME

RFC 2076


RFC 2197


RFC 2920


RFC 3463

Enhanced Mail System Status Codes

RFC 1893

Enhanced Mail System Status Codes

RFC 1985

Enhanced Mail System Status Codes

RFC 2034

Enhanced Mail System Status Codes (These are the numeric codes after the normal SMTP status codes.)

RFC 974

Email DNS: (part 1),

RFC 2142

Common Mailbox Names (part 1),

RFC 2554


Chapter 6. Technologies

Commons Logging

JMX/JMXR. Dynamically add and remove objects to the running JVM + Remote Management. You only need to understand Agent/JMX Client implementation if you will be working with the main Jamama class (which is a JMX Agent). See my JMX Howto at http://admc.com/blaine/howtos/jmx/ You should understand JMX notifications, because we will be implementing that in Jamama soon. You do need to understand the AbstractDynamicMBean utility which basically creates and manages a DynamicMBean for you. AbstractDynamicMBeans are a product of MX4J, and I cover them in my Howto.


Java Objects <---> XML for configuration persistence and restoration. I intend to write a HOWTO for Jaxb. When I do that, I'll put a link to the HOWTO here. The best documentation source for JAXB that I know of is at http://java.sun.com/webservices/docs/1.2/tutorial/doc/JAXBWorks.html#wp100322}

Ant and Ant-contrib

See the APIs above.


Unit testing. See my JUnit Howto at http://admc.com/blaine/howtos/junit/

Hsqldb Database

A database very well suited for embedding in this app. Small, fast, embeddable, efficiently handles data or varying sizes (including veyr large sizes). As of 11/28/2003, I don't have the database implemented at all yet. I'll post the Hsqldb Beginner's Guide once I have it updated (it will also be distributed with Hsqldb v. 1.7.2 when it is released).

Chapter 7. Howto

Add a new component
  1. Adding an existing component If you want to just use a new compnent, then see the User's Guide. This section talks about implementing a new Jamama component class.

  2. Decide what interface(s) your new component will implement It must implement Configurable. Decide if it will also implement any (or any combination of) the following Configurable subinterfaces.

    • Server

    • ThirdPartyConfiguror

    • Router

    • Repository

  3. Add a new <xsd:complexType> block under the 'instances' element underneath all of the other instances. It is usually easiest to find another <xsd:complexType> under 'instances', copy and paste it and edit the copy.

  4. Validate the schema (if you have a schema validator) Run a schema validator against the .xsd file, or (better) make a Jamama xml config file that would instantiate one of your new objects, sure the schemaLocation points to your modified .xsd file. and validate the XML with an XML validator that validates schemas.

    Put references for goot W3C Schema validators.

    Fix the schema until it validates successfully.

  5. Comple the jaxb source Run ant compile-jaxb Fix the schema until xjc is satisfied with it and can generate all the Java code.

  6. Implement a class that implements the interfaces you decide upon. Work from the API located at JAMAMA_HOME/doc/api. If it's not there, then built it like ant api. You will need to cast the Object argument that you get in your configure() method into the new class that you will find in the API under the com.admc.jamama.dtd package. The methods for that class will show exactly how to set your startup state in configure(). Perform the inverse operations in your getConfig() method and return the same configuration type object (the JVM will cast it down to an Object).

    If there is an suitable adapter available, subclass the adapter and save yourself some work.

  7. Update the Jamama class. Add one element to the private field Jamama.supportedClassArray. The element consists of the JAXB class and the Configurable class that you are adding. The former can be found in the Jaxb API and will be of the form com.admc.jamama.dtd.ConfigType.InstancesType.X.

    If you added your new element underneath the existing instance elements, then I think that the method name of cfg.getInstances().X() should not have changed. Until I sure of this, do check getter java.util.List method in the API for com.admc.cjamama.dtd.cnfigType.InstancesType. (If it has changed, then you willhave to change where that getter method is used in Jamama.java).

  8. Get everything to build and run successfully.