Chapter 2. Package and Class Layout

Table of Contents

Top Level Jamama Architecture
Some More Sample Implementation Classes

Top Level Jamama Architecture


Need to make a diagram image of this

The basic package strategy is that the main com.admc.jamama.Repository class holds only objects shared among objects in different packages, plus the main Interfaces and the Jamama class itself. External data sources like databases and file systems.

  • mamaproxy (interface: com.admc.jamama.DirectorProxy; DirectorProxyAdapter; MamaProxy)

  • smtpclient (class: com.admc.jamama.smtp.SMTPClient); [wrapper scripts]

  • Jamama JMX Agent JVM (class: com.admc.jamama.Jamama)

    • Repository. (interface: com.admc.jamama.Repository; RepositoryAdapter; classes: com.admc.jamama.repository.X)

    • Server. (interface: com.admc.jamama.Server; ServerAdapter; classes: com.admc.jamama.server.X)

    • Director (interface: com.admc.jamama.Director; classes: com.admc.jamama.director.JamamaDirector)

      • Mit (class: com.admc.jamama.Mit)

      • Router (virtual interface: com.admc.jamama.Router; RouterAdapter; classes: com.admc.jamama.router.X)

      • Proxy (com.admc.jamama.DirectorProxyAdapter; e.g. MamaProxyAdapter)