JMX/JMXR. Dynamically add and remove objects to the running JVM + Remote Management. You only need to understand Agent/JMX Client implementation if you will be working with the main Jamama class (which is a JMX Agent). See my JMX Howto at You should understand JMX notifications, because we will be implementing that in Jamama soon. You do need to understand the AbstractDynamicMBean utility which basically creates and manages a DynamicMBean for you. AbstractDynamicMBeans are a product of MX4J, and I cover them in my Howto.
Java Objects <---> XML for configuration persistence and restoration. I intend to write a HOWTO for Jaxb. When I do that, I'll put a link to the HOWTO here. The best documentation source for JAXB that I know of is at}
See the APIs above.
Unit testing. See my JUnit Howto at
A database very well suited for embedding in this app. Small, fast, embeddable, efficiently handles data or varying sizes (including veyr large sizes). As of 11/28/2003, I don't have the database implemented at all yet. I'll post the Hsqldb Beginner's Guide once I have it updated (it will also be distributed with Hsqldb v. 1.7.2 when it is released).